So, book one of my epic thriller series, A Pius Man: A Holy Thriller, will be only $0.99 from now, this minute, until 11AM Eastern on Wenesday, October 4.For those of you who don’t recall what A Pius Man is about, the flap copy reads as follows.


Murder in the Vatican!


As the head of Vatican security, Giovanni Figlia must protect a new, African Pope who courts controversy every other day. The Pope’s latest project is to make Pius XII, “Hitler’s Pope,” a saint. Things haven’t gotten better since the Pope employed American mercenary Sean Ryan.

Then a body fell onto the Vatican doorstep.

Mercenaries, spies, beautiful women, international intrigue and ancient secrets – The Pius Trilogy has it all!


I won’t be pretentious and say that this is my masterpiece. If I knew what I was doing, it probably would have capped a 12-novel series, and included everyone from Merle Kraft (from Love at First Bite) and almost everyone in the cast would have appeared in other novels as bit players. But it does have a love story, a spy story, an action adventure novel, a murder mystery, a techno-thriller, geopolitical war gaming, and the cast of the Lord of the Rings… Okay, that last part is a bit of an exaggeration.

Though one of my goals was go make it look like every Catholic conspiracy cliche ever… and then flip the script. I have a pale, silver-haired priest with combat skills. I have the “Ultra-right wing” Pope… who is African, though I didn’t know who Cardinal Sarah was at the time.

I think the only cliche I kept was an evil Cardinal, but that’s mostly because he’s an idiot from Boston, and when I first wrote it, Cardinal Bernard Law was a household name, and his idiocy made me want to bang my head against a wall.

I remember once doing an entire blog post where I was debating whether or not A Pius Man was pulpy. Fellow author Jon del Arroz replied with “Dude, you had a bomb on page 5. Of course it’s pulp.”

Heh. Okay then.

Though as I look at the page for Pius, I see that people who viewed it also viewed: Forbidden Thoughts, and Carnage and Culture. Heh. That’s some … interesting company to be in.

Anyway, the book is up from now until October 4th for only $0.99.  If you were waiting for a price drop, this is your chance.

APM will be on sale for $0.99 from September 27th through 8:00 AM PST Wednesday, October 4.



About Declan Finn

Declan Finn is the author of Honor at Stake, an urban fantasy novel, nominated for Best Horror in the first annual Dragon Awards. He has also written The Pius Trilogy, an attempt to take Dan Brown to the woodshed in his own medium -- soon to be republished by Silver Empire Press. Finn has also written "Codename: Winterborn," an SF espionage thriller, and it's follow-up, "Codename: Winterborn." And "It was Only on Stun!" and "Set To Kill" are murder mysteries at a science fiction convention.
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